Vision - AI-teknologi som forsterker farger

Enkel installation av armatur og app – grupper og styr din belysning

Hvordan fungerer teknologien?

Vision Track Pro-modellen bruker et stillbildekamera med autodrift for å oppdage og tilpasse fargetemperaturen etter objektets farger. Den er perfekt tilpasset for miljøer som klesbutikker, matbutikker, blomsterbutikker, bilforhandlere eller gallerier. Hvert bilde som tas for å justere fargetemperaturen behandles lokalt og slettes automatisk etter bruk.

For de som ønsker personlig kontroll, tilbyr Vision Track i sin standardmodell muligheten til å dimme og forsterke farger direkte ved å ta et bilde av objektet og velge fargen på bildet via vår app Hidealite Vision. Dette er ideelt for å fremheve utvalgte gjenstander i forskjellige miljøer – fra informasjonsskilt i butikker eller malerier i et galleri, til innbydende produktutstillinger, samt for å skape riktig atmosfære i restauranter og butikker.

Vision Track App

Vision Track Pro - AI Automode - Ta et bilde - Fargehjul

Instruksjonsvideoer - Vision Track App

Vision Track App - Opprett konto / Butikk

Vision Track App - Legge til armatur / Opprett gruppe / Primær

Vision Track App - Tilbakestill / Oppdater

The camera works best with a distance of about 0.5m to 5m. The size of the illuminated object affects how well the camera identifies the color scheme.
We recommend that the object is at least the size of an A4 paper.
Yes, the app works with both iPhone and iPad and is available on both the App Store and Google Play.
Typical products that can be illuminated for color enhancement include textiles, lacquered surfaces, porcelain, paintings, and food. Here, only imagination sets the limits.
Vision Pro, with its built-in camera, can detect when people move within the camera's range. Therefore, you can activate an energy-saving function where the luminaire dims down to the desired level. When there is movement, the luminaire dims up to the set value again.
It's possible to turn off the white light in the luminaire and only use RGB. This is easily done with a color wheel in the Vision app.
In these cases, the luminaire will understand that multiple colors are present and then adjust the light to best enhance the illuminated surface.
You can connect a total of 200 luminaires in a store. You can distribute these 200 luminaires as you wish, but up to a maximum of 50 different groups.
You can easily reset the luminaire by holding down the reset button on the back of the luminaire for 5 seconds until it starts blinking.
You can reset the luminaire most easily by going to the settings for your device and then click on "Factory reset."
Currently, Swedish, English, Danish and Finnish are supported in the app.
Absolutely, you can either take a picture of the object with your phone and mark the desired color or simply click on the color you want to enhance. Alternatively, you can use the color wheel to determine the color enhancement yourself.
The app will inform you when a new software update is available for the luminaire. When you choose to update the software, you will be guided step by step to complete the update.
The most common rails on the market, such as Global, Nuco, Powergear, Staff, and others, are compatible with Vision Track L.
The luminaire can be set between 2700 Kelvin up to 6500 Kelvin in fixed steps of 100 Kelvin.
The Vision App is completely free to use.
The settings saved in the luminaire are stored on a dedicated memory that is not affected by a power failure.
The settings will not disappear. The fixture has a dedicated memory that is not dependent on battery or power.
A Leader can have up to 199 luminaires as followers.
Click on the gear wheel for the current fixture and then on the name of the fixture at the top of the app.
You can do this by clicking on “Account” and then your “Name” and “email” at the top of the app.

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