SeSol The Park

"Through their expertise and passion for light, it was ensured that each space received the optimal lighting solution, balancing both aesthetics and functionality"

SeSol's headquarters, The Park, is an extensive building, with its impressive 26,000 square meters that combine offices, a central warehouse, a gym, a restaurant, and conference facilities into a harmonious whole, strategically located along the E4 highway for optimal accessibility. Our dedicated team of lighting designers worked throughout the construction process to create the perfect lighting conditions with lighting from us at Hide-a-lite. Through their expertise and passion for light, it was ensured that each space received the optimal lighting solution, balancing both aesthetics and functionality.

The design and architecture within The Park are permeated by sustainability and energy efficiency, where innovative solutions and material choices lead the way. Hide-a-lite's versatile lighting solutions play a central role in reinforcing this vision, not only by illuminating but also highlighting and accentuating the building's various features and spaces. Among the most striking features at the main entrance is a spectacular light phenomenon created by LED strips in profiles, which have been suspended from the high ceiling to create a visual attraction. This innovative solution is combined with other dynamic lighting concepts. An example is the Ray fixture, which creates distinct light lines in the company's dining hall ceiling. Additionally, white track lights on rails are used not only to illuminate stairs and passages but also offer the flexibility to be redirected as needed, depending on what is to be highlighted in a particular room or area.

Each space within The Park, from conference rooms and open social areas to the dining hall, is thoughtfully lit to emphasize and complement the rooms' function and aesthetics. For example, a zigzag pattern of LED strips under the ceiling, along with vegetation, creates a modern and at the same time botanical feel. The dining hall's light lines created by the Ray fixture highlight the contours of wooden rib walls. The Sky LED panel and wall-mounted Mirro provide optimal lighting in the gym and toilet areas, meeting functional needs and creating a fresh atmosphere. This integration of lighting solutions from us at Hide-a-lite highlights SeSol's commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency in an inspiring work environment, with light at the center of design.

"This integration of lighting solutions from us at Hide-a-lite highlights SeSol's commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency in an inspiring work environment, with light at the center of design"